Hitler and the Reichstag fire, the burning of democracy


90 min documentary directed by Mickaël Gamrasni produced by Cinétévé Productions (ARTE, 2021)

February 27, 1933. The Reichstag, the German parliament burns and democracy with it. The fire immediately served as a pretext for the establishment of the dictatorship of Hitler, who had become Chancellor the previous month. Within hours, thousands of opponents were interned in the first Nazi concentration camps.

Five men are found guilty, including one found alone inside the burning Reichstag. The recordings of their trial, gathered for this film 90 years later, lift the veil on one of the last mysteries of the 20th century: who set fire to the Reichstag?



27 Février 1933

21h05 les premiers témoins

Hitler met le feu à l'Allemagne

21h20 portail 5 ouvert

21h22 Van Der Lubbe arrêté